As a kid, I was fascinated with my father's arrowhead
collection. He was not a "collector" of arrowheads, per se; he simply
picked them up while working on construction and land survey projects and kept
them in a box in the attic. I thought it was cool that he could find these
artifacts lying on the ground and popping out of the earth in the wake of
bulldozers, track hoes, and motor graders. I learned later in college that my
father's arrowheads were actually a variety of projectile points, knives, and
other prehistoric stone tools, and that one could actually make a living
working in the field of archaeology. What's more, there are state and federal
environmental and cultural resources laws and regulations designed to protect
archaeological sites and other antiquities on the lands we survey.
Logically, many surveyors have an interest in Native
American and historical artifacts, and some are collectors and avocational
archaeologists themselves. Surveyors venture into thickets, swamps, and
forests, where most people wouldn't dare step foot. More often than not,
landforms in the middle of these difficult terrains are home to previously
unrecorded prehistoric archaeology sites.
Prehistoric artifacts are not the only antiquities that
surveyors encounter on a regular basis. In the quest for proving original
corners and tracing the footprints of our surveying forefathers, we are
actually doing historical archaeology ourselves. A historic archaeological
artifact can be defined as culturally significant materials 50 years or older
and occurring after the written record began in North
America . Survey monuments such as pine knots and rock mounds 50
years old or older are, in a sense, historic archaeological artifacts. It is
our responsibility to preserve these monuments and their locations to the best
of our ability, and as we know, their disturbance is against the law. It is
also usually against the law for us to disturb prehistoric archaeology sites.
When surveying on public, private, or federal lands, it is important for us to
realize that Indian artifacts belong to the private landowners, state and
federal agencies, or Indian tribal lands on which the materials were left many
years ago. Environmental laws have been established that protect and govern
antiquities buried or standing on public and sometimes private lands, to better
preserve the material history and prehistory of America .
Laws Go Way
Laws were first developed to protect archaeology sites in
the United States
over a century ago. The American Antiquities Act of 1906 (AAA) was established
to discourage the destruction of archaeological sites on federal properties and
was prompted by the widespread destruction of earthen mounds and burial sites
during construction projects in the 19th and early 20th centuries. This program
included a fine of up to $500 and imprisonment of up to 90 days for the
desecration of archaeological sites, but these penalties were rarely enforced.
The AAA also gave the President of the United States the authority to
designate significant historic and prehistoric structures as national landmarks
and called for the protection of these landmarks.
Founded in the 1930s, the Southeastern Archaeological
Conference (SEAC) followed the Antiquities Act of 1906 as a response to the
increase in archaeological work of the Works Progress Administration (WPA) of
the 1930s. SEAC helped organize the rapid increase in data that resulted from
WPA excavations throughout the Southeast and standardized some ceramic and
projectile point types. Although SEAC was founded over 70 years ago, it remains
a key contributor to Southeastern archaeology and assists cultural resources
activities on our military bases and other federal lands.
Decades passed before several more important legislative
acts were designed in the 1960s and 70s in response to the need for more
effective antiquities protection. The National Historic Preservation Act of
1966 (NHPA) was key legislation developed for this need. Central to the
framework of the NHPA was the creation of the National Register of Historic
Places (NRHP). The NRHP is the official listing and protection record for
sites, buildings, structures, and objects that have great significance in
American culture, history, architecture, engineering, and archaeology. The NRHP
is administered by the National Park Service (NPS) and is assisted by local and
state historical societies and the staff of state historic preservation
officers. Another important service of the NPS is the monitoring and protection
of antiquities situated in our National Parks and assistance with Native
American tribes and their tribal historic preservation.
Following the NHPA, Congress passed the Archaeological
Resources Protection Act of 1979 (ARPA) and acknowledged in Section 2 that:
"(1) Archaeological resources on public lands and
Indian lands are an accessible and irreplaceable part of the Nation's heritage;
(2) these resources are increasingly endangered because of their commercial
attractiveness; (3) existing Federal laws do not provide adequate protection to
prevent the loss and destruction of…archaeological resources sites resulting
from uncontrolled excavations and pillage"
Like most environmental and archaeological protection acts,
ARPA lists civil penalties for the destruction of significant archaeological
sites, especially those situated on public or federal land. ARPA was cited
several years ago in the prosecution of individuals who used metal detectors to
unearth Civil War artifacts at the Military
Park in Vicksburg , Mississippi .
They were apprehended and fined, and the vehicles and equipment used in their
crimes were confiscated.
In more recent years, legislation has continued to be
updated, and new regulations have been established to better protect
prehistoric and historic unmarked cemeteries. The Native American Graves
Protection and Repatriation Act of 1990 was designed to protect prehistoric
burial sites and repatriate human remains to active tribes, whenever possible.
Many states also have legislation and code regarding the disturbance of
unmarked burials, including those on private property. According to the
Antiquities Law of Mississippi (1972, amended 1983) and the Mississippi Code
Book, individuals will be fined and jailed for disturbing prehistoric and
historic burial sites.
Cultural Resources Management
Professional or "contract" archaeology is
commonly known as Cultural Resources Management (CRM). CRM was developed after
the NHPA and the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA). Although
this legislation began in the 1960s and CRM was established thereafter, the
industry of CRM did not see significant growth until the 1990s. Sections 106
and 110 of the NHPA require federal land management agencies and others
receiving federal funds or permits for land works projects to first complete
CRM studies on the land that will be affected by the earthworks. NEPA states in
Title I, Section 101 that appropriate federal, state, and local agencies should
"preserve important historic, cultural, and natural aspects of our
national heritage, and maintain, wherever possible, an environment which
supports diversity, and variety of individual choice."
In most states, there are three components of environmental
and archaeological survey required for earthworks permitting: wetlands
delineation, threatened and endangered species surveys, and cultural resources
surveys. Permitting is usually reviewed and granted by agencies such as
departments of environmental quality at the state level and the United States
Army Corps of Engineers at the federal level. Some permitting required for
power line right-of-way clearance and other construction projects that may
require earthworks and the use of some federal assistance may be administered
under NEPA and is designed to "enrich the understanding of the ecological
systems and natural resources important to the Nation."
There are a number of state and federal laws and
regulations designed to protect the fascinating history and prehistory that we
enjoy in America .
As surveyors, we are taught to respect and walk in the footprints laid down
before us. When we encounter prehistoric or historic archaeology sites or
artifacts while out on surveys, it is important for us to appreciate and
respect the land, land owners, and materials that we encounter, including
archaeological artifacts. When we do encounter unique historic sites, we can
bring them to the attention of the landowners and/or state and local agencies
that would appreciate the courtesy.
Archaeological artifacts make great conversation pieces,
and many times, landowners will allow collectors to walk their fields in search
of artifacts. If we do choose to collect from private properties with
permission, it is important to keep detailed records of the sites we collect
and as much information about these artifacts as possible. State agencies will
gladly work with collectors on documenting sites, photographing artifacts, and
recording GPS information about collected sites. They will probably even assign
site numbers and make these sites part of the archaeological record so others
can share and access the information.
There are also grassroots organizations such as local
archaeological societies and volunteer groups that meet, share information, and
host local digs. These excavations are a great way to participate in
archaeological research that maintains the provenience of artifacts and as much
scientific information as possible.
It is important for us to respect archaeology sites while
we are out on surveys and remember that it is not only the ethical thing to do,
it is also the law. These sites and artifacts are sometimes all we have left to
tell the story of American history and prehistory. The more information we have
on record, the more interesting story that box of arrowheads will tell.
Kevin J. McMahon, PS, CFM
Gulf South Associates, LLC
office: 228-207-7307
mobile: 601-307-4009
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